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The  group  is based in the uk and it's headquaters is in Yorkshire but that doesnt mean you have to live in Yorkshire to be a member.
We have members living in different parts of the country for instance i'm from Coventry others are from Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire and London .
The group has a varied age range from 15 upwards to 50 plus years.
we all meet up at the beginning of an event set up the camp site and the displays, this involves mainly tent erecting some of the tents are large and require more than a couple of people to erect them,unloading the vehicles is another task, setting up the mess tent, and the displays,  All of this happens the day prior to the event starting, if it's possible for you to make it early you would be a great asset to the team. This means that all is ready to start after breakfast on event day.
Unfortunatley at the end of the event all the kit has to be taken down and packed in the vehicles ready for the next event the more people that can assist in this job the quicker we can finish.
We like people to turn up to as many events as you possibly can throughout the year and help support the group.
The group also caters for the members having a field kitchen and provides a cooked breakfast and evening meal, and snacks tea and coffee throught the day, there is a small charge for this service.      

This group portrays the 101st Airborne 506th parachute infantry regiment"easy company"which is the subject of the TV miniseries "BAND OF BROTHERS".
During the events we only use real or replica equipment that was originally used in the 2nd World War era, for example combat uniforms, replica weapons, vehicles, and tents and many other items from that era.
All modern every day items are hidden away at the start of the event, mobile phones watches etc are not banned but must be kept out of sight.
the group also takes part in battle re enactments when an event is running a battle, there is no pressure to take part it is purely voluntary and i have found that it is an exciting experience taking part and helps you understand in a small way what it must have been like to actually be there.
The members of the group are a friendly bunch we like to get together have some fun and honor and respect the people still living and the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
                                   THESE PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER BE FORGOTTEN



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